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Trinity Oyster Bed

Product image 1Trinity Oyster Bed
Product image 2Trinity Oyster Bed
Product image 3Trinity Oyster Bed
Product image 4Trinity Oyster Bed
Product image 5Trinity Oyster Bed
Product image 6Trinity Oyster Bed
Product image 7Trinity Oyster Bed

Regular price $39.99 Sale price $49.99

A wise chef once said, "Good things come in three."

Our trinity oyster bed is the newest & smallest member of our oyster bed family. Crafted for individual servings, this oyster bed made its debut at the famed James Beard House in New York City. 

It's compact quadrant shape makes for a number of benefits:

  • Easier handling with grill tongs.
  • Can sit on top of small plate for serving.

What You Get:

1 - Trinity Oyster Bed  

*A burlap sack not included with the purchase of this product, but can be added before checkout. The Small burlap sack is what would match this product. Get the Large burlap sack if you order 4 Trinities.


Pro Tip: 
Combine 4 Trinity Oyster beds for full dozen. 
Dimension: 12.5"x14.5"x1.5".
Length 6.25"
Width 8"
Depth 1.5"
Weight .8 Ibs
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